* I did manage to do a few extra self initiated tasks myself, but they aren't great quality.
*I was sat in whether spoons during race week... and thought it would be a good idea to try and capture the busy atmosphere, also I really dislike drawing in public, so it was a a good learning experience, people moved really quick!
* I wanted to create a crystal observational journal through out the year, but I only managed to do a few subjects in the end. But I do plan to slowly finish it. I feel like they would help improve my drawing skills a lot, due to the huge variety of crystal appearances- translucent, transparent, opaque, rough, smooth, etc! Also investigating them as such depth can aid my knowledge about them. And obviously, provide me with lots of inspiration! Call me crazy I don't care, If staring into rocks expands and opens my mind then so be it!
*Amber- the jewellery design is amazing, and organic in form which interests me.
*Raw mineral specimens- Amethyst.
*Geodes - Normally sold in halves, formed normally in volcanic vents where air has been trapped in bubbles, and crystals grow inside.
* Interested in cultures, Our shop sell Native American animal carvings from a tribe call "Zuni" known as "Fetishes" these animals were used as good luck charms and have a vast amount of representations. For example, Rabbits are for Fertility.
*I created my own type to suit the subject.
*I didn't really get very far I'm afraid. Obviously having to put set coursework first. However i aim to persist with this journal too.