Monday, 4 May 2015

Extra bits and bobs :)

* I did manage to do a few extra self initiated tasks myself, but they aren't great quality.

*I was sat in whether spoons during race week... and thought it would be a good idea to try and capture the busy atmosphere, also I really dislike drawing in public, so it was a a good learning experience, people moved really quick!  

* I wanted to create a crystal observational journal through out the year, but I only managed to do a few subjects in the end. But I do plan to slowly finish it. I feel like they would help improve my drawing skills a lot, due to the huge variety of crystal appearances- translucent, transparent, opaque, rough, smooth, etc! Also investigating them as such depth can aid my knowledge about them. And obviously, provide me with lots of inspiration! Call me crazy I don't care, If staring into rocks expands and opens my mind then so be it!

*Amber- the jewellery design is amazing, and organic in form which interests me.

*Raw mineral specimens- Amethyst.

*Geodes - Normally sold in halves, formed normally in volcanic vents where air has been trapped in bubbles, and crystals grow inside. 

* Interested in cultures, Our shop sell Native American animal carvings from a tribe call "Zuni" known as "Fetishes" these animals were used as good luck charms and have a vast amount of representations. For example, Rabbits are for Fertility. 

*I created my own type to suit the subject.
 *I didn't really get very far I'm afraid. Obviously having to put set coursework first. However i aim to persist with this journal too. 

Narrative Life Drawing 4

*The last session of this module: The same narrative drawing task as the last few weeks. This one was of an old mummy film. I used red to signify anger and danger and evil, and blue for fear. This week was great for emotional body language. 

* I chose one of my favourites, and used it to create an illustration of a spell being casted. 

* Over all I found this module a great use of practice. My skills have defiantly improved, but most importantly I have become more confident with my own practice, and the idea that comes from the observational sketches are more important than a finalised perfect piece of work. I can now confidently combine my primary research and illustration skill together effectively. Obviously, I have a lot more to improve upon, but I feel I am going in the right direction, applying the skills I have learnt from the module during my 3rd year independently, and just carrying on practicing in general are my main goals to set myself from this experience. 

Narrative Life Drawing 3

* Again repeating the same process as before. This clip was of a old comedy sketch of trying not to fall of an industrial city building site. 
*I have established my most efficient choice of media thats fast and effective- Brush ink pen and watercolour. Im really happy with how these came out, I feel that are dynamic and fairly accurate considering the time spent on each drawing. 

I feel like these exercises have really improved my skills of drawing the human figure. I used my favourite poses in a similar style to illustrate a composition of a fairy playing/dancing on a flower. 

Narrative Life Drawing 2

* Week 2 of narrative life drawing, again like last week, we watched a clip. We were advised to work on a smaller canvas, because we were capturing very quick recordings, trying to change angles throughout each pose. Each drawing is approximately 2 minutes. I used my A5 journalistic sketchbook.

* In the afternoon we repeated the poses but in clothing and using the surroundings.

I created a little sequence using these poses. I decided to keep the nakedness. I like the organic form it expresses. A little journey into a surreal environment. It was a rough, free experiment, I tried to keep my hand loose.

Narrative Life Drawing 1

*The fist set of Narrative Life drawings - 
We watched a video clip. And the life model then rein acted it. Our task was to sketch these poses as quickly and effectively as possible. This means each stroke has to be accurate. Its a difficult task.
* I alternated between charcoal and ink, trying to work out which is more efficient. 


*This week we were set a task of capturing the "essence" of a place. We had to personally express whatever essence we felt related to our interests.  We were told to use a rolled up piece of paper to use as a makeshift telescope...basically a view finder in order to focus on a object. We didn't look strange at all... 

*So I among many chose Pittville park as the setting, mainly because a lot of my subjects are organic, or natural. So I wanted to focus on the wildlife within the park. 

This was the Illustration I created from my observational drawings. I chose to represent the wildlife in connection to the trees, as without trees and plants there wouldn't be any habitat for the animals to live in. I used a patterned style.